Lexington Street Y.W.C.A., Exec. Director, 1989 - 2000
The Rochester Y.W.C.A., Associate Director, 1982 -1989
The Stamford Y.W.C.A., Program Director, 1972 - 1982
References available upon request.
B) Skills Resume
Linda Adessio
156 Fairview Ave.
Albany, New York 12200
(518) 820-3910
Gave presentations on the psychology of homelessness,
at Maryland State University, 1986
Internship at the Maryland Clinic for the Homeless, 1987
B.A., Maryland State University, 1988
• As Program Coordinator of Safe Haven for Families At Risk, I am responsible for the day to day operation of the program and for the program's outcome.
• As a management trainee for Republic Store, a clothing retail outlet in Richmond Virginia, I managed many working poor mothers and became familiar with their problems and how to effect solutions that were beneficial to the women and the store. 1981-1984
• As a volunteer for the Richmond Meals on Wheels Program from 1982 through 1983, I served as the principle outside contact for a number of homeless families in Richmond.